
Musical & Academic Projects

Performing art program

To study an instrument: Arab violin, Western violin, Oud, Piano, Classical Guitar, Cello, Qanun, Percussion..

Workshop for childhood

3 months childhood workshop as a pre-instrument level. After the course, children and start a professional study of an instrument.

One time meeting

This program is for children 2-3 years old, the aim of this course is to provide a professional musical space for the children in order to discover the beauty of sounds. The children will play on an educational instruments.

Music Therapy

We also provide psychotherapic meetings based on music, music an accompaniment tool in the meetings.


We make annual professional concerts with our students who make a good journey with their instruments. The main orchestra called Alkindi. You can follow us in Facebookand Instagram for concert dates.

Academic Consulting, Academic Preparation & diploma

Heterophony is associated with various academic institutions in Israel and abroad. We provide a diploma certificate in musical education, organize annual courses for entrance exams, and help with academic counselling by leading academic lecturers in the field.


  • Heterophony is an institute dedicated to fostering musical and academic excellence for a wide segment of society through performing arts, workshops, concerts, academic preparation, Diploma in Music Education, and music therapy.